
Encontre-nos na Av. Major Amarante, 3232, sala 02, Centro, Vilhena-RO. Estamos prontos para atender suas necessidades contábeis.


Av. Major Amarante, 3232


Seg a Sex

A calculator is placed on top of a stack of books, one of which is titled 'Chemistry'. An open book with text and diagrams is positioned in the background, suggesting a study or work environment. There are additional items like a small bottle and a tube nearby.
A calculator is placed on top of a stack of books, one of which is titled 'Chemistry'. An open book with text and diagrams is positioned in the background, suggesting a study or work environment. There are additional items like a small bottle and a tube nearby.
Escritório moderno contábil

Espaço contadores oferece um escritório moderno e único, ideal para serviços contábeis, com localização central e fácil acesso para clientes em Vilhena.


Preço do espaço

A wooden table holds a beige book titled 'The Monocle Guide to Good Business,' accompanied by a black wallet on top. Next to the book is a keychain with keys and a leather strap. In the background, part of a turntable is visible with a vinyl record on it.
A wooden table holds a beige book titled 'The Monocle Guide to Good Business,' accompanied by a black wallet on top. Next to the book is a keychain with keys and a leather strap. In the background, part of a turntable is visible with a vinyl record on it.
Sala de contabilidade

A sala de contabilidade é equipada com tecnologia moderna, proporcionando um ambiente profissional e confortável para atender às necessidades dos clientes em Vilhena.

Valor do aluguel


Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with a screen displaying financial graphs and stock market data. Multiple charts and numbers are visible, indicating online trading or financial analysis.
Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with a screen displaying financial graphs and stock market data. Multiple charts and numbers are visible, indicating online trading or financial analysis.
Localização centralizada

Localização centralizada, com fácil acesso ao transporte público e estacionamento, ideal para atender clientes e facilitar o trabalho da equipe contábil.

Custo do espaço
